Termes et conditions | Terms and conditions
English follows
Les risques de ce programme d'activités auquel je vais participe sont, de façon plus particulière, mais non-limitatives:
• Blessures dues à des chutes ou autres mouvements,(entorse, foulure, fracture, etc.);
• Blessures avec objet contondant ou coupant, (branches, matériel, etc.);
• Froid ou hypothermie;
• Blessures résultant de contact accidentel ou non entre les individus;
• Allergie alimentaire, dû aux piqures d'insectes, au pollen ou de toute autre provenance;
• Contact avec l’eau ou noyade (lors d’activité aquatique ou à proximité d’un cours d’eau);
• Brûlures ou troubles dus à la chaleur.
Health Status
You acknowledge that neither you nor any participants you have registered for the activity have any physical, emotional, or behavioral health issues that would directly or indirectly limit participation in the activity. You confirm that you do not have any allergies and are not taking any medication. If otherwise, you confirm that you have informed Relais Plein Air. After discussing with a person responsible at Relais Plein Air and obtaining their approval to participate in the organization’s activity program, you accept the additional risk that could lead to a possible aggravation of your health condition.
You also confirm that neither you nor the participants you have registered are pregnant or suffer from heart problems.
You confirm that you have no symptoms related to COVID-19.
Inherent Risks of Activities
I acknowledge that I have been informed about the inherent risks of activities that are part of the Relais Plein Air du parc de la Gatineau's program. The risks of this program, to which I will participate, are, in particular but not limited to:
You are aware of the risks associated with COVID-19 and Lyme disease, and you waive any claims and lawsuits for damages resulting from involuntary transmission.
Confirmation of Information and Acceptance of Risks
I attest that the information recorded in this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have not deliberately omitted any information (relevant or not) about my health condition or that of any of the people registered with me.
I am aware that the information contained in this form is confidential and aims to better plan and ensure the safety of the activities I will participate in, and it will allow Relais Plein Air to create a profile of its clientele.
I am aware that the activities offered by Relais Plein Air take place in semi-natural or natural environments that are possibly rugged and consequently more distant from medical services. This could result in long delays in an emergency requiring evacuation and, consequently, a possible worsening of my condition or injury.
Having been informed of these risks and having had the opportunity to discuss them with a responsible person for the activity, I acknowledge that I have been informed about the inherent risks of the activities and I am able to undertake the activity or stay with FULL KNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE RISKS that this stay or activity may involve.
I also commit to playing an active role in managing these risks by adopting a preventive attitude towards myself and the other people around me. The organization and its employees reserve the right to exclude any person they consider to represent a risk to themselves or to the rest of the group or other participants in the activity. I understand that I may leave this activity for one reason or another, according to the participation conditions stated on the organization’s website.
Drugs and Alcohol
You and all the participants you have registered for the activity commit not to consume, possess, or be under the influence of any drugs, illicit substances, or medications (prescription or not) that are not mentioned in this form. All participants registered in this form also confirm (not to be under the influence of alcohol / to be below the blood alcohol limit of 80 mg per 100 ml of blood, commonly referred to as “point zero eight”), and to remain so for the entire duration of the activity. All participants registered in this form are aware that any breach of these rules on their part could lead to expulsion without notice and without the possibility of a refund.
Material Liability Waiver
I, the undersigned, and on behalf of the participants I have registered for this activity, hereby waive any claims and lawsuits for damages against Relais Plein Air du parc de la Gatineau and its partners (NCC, City of Gatineau, Friends of Gatineau Park, and others) for any damage to property and equipment belonging to me (normal wear and tear, loss, breakage, theft, vandalism, etc.).
Authorization to Intervene in Case of Emergency
I, the undersigned, and on behalf of the participants I have registered for this activity, authorize Relais Plein Air to provide any necessary first aid and to decide, in case of an accident, to transport the participant(s) registered for the activity on this form (by ambulance, helicopter, coast guard, or otherwise) to a hospital or community health facility, all at my own expense if applicable.
Consent for Electronic Signature and Acknowledgment of Participant Age
By checking our Terms and conditions, you consent to the use of your electronic signature instead of an original paper signature, and confirm that you are at least 16 years old at the date of signing.
Relais Yoga
- Abonnements saisonniers
- Aucun remboursement moins de 7 jours avant le début de la session;
- Remboursement partiel plus de 7 jours avant le début de la session, frais administratifs de 20$ + taxes seront retenus;
- Le code rabais s'applique aux sessions de 8 et 12 semaines;
- Rabais de 10$ pour l'achat de 2 cours de la même session ou rabais de 10$ pour un deuxième abonnement de la même famille;
- Vous devez mettre les 2 cours dans le même panier et appliquer le code YOGAA2. Le coût de la session comprend 2 cours « d'absence », prenant en considération les imprévus de la vie;
- Dorénavant, une seule reprise de cours est permise dorénavant.