Yin/Yang Yoga
Yin/Yang Yoga
Monday 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. - face-to-face/zoom - January 8 to March 27
This class combines two complementary forms of yoga: yang and yin. Yang yoga is a more active practice. Blood circulation, strength, endurance and flexibility are all stimulated, through asanas performed in continuous movement and following the rhythm of breathing. Yin yoga promotes mobility and allows you to work in depth, particularly on the fascia. Made of elastin and collagen, fascia surrounds and forms <anatomical trains> with the muscles of the body. Healthy fascia facilitates the ability of interconnected muscles to stretch and slide. During the yin segment of the practice, postures will be held for longer, allowing for a meditative state and deeper muscle relaxation. You will emerge from this class revitalized and relaxed!
Members of Relais plein air/Club Skinouk and for 2nd registration, apply the $10 reduction code for Seasonal Subscriptions only.
One use per purchase.
Skinouk Promo Code: YOGAH24
Promo code 2nd registration: YOGAA2